
  • @shalafi
    369 months ago

    A sane economic take on lemmy?! Blasphemy.

    I’ll add this; Stop buying shit. I’m not talking rent and food. I’m talking “consumer confidence” stuff. If you don’t need it to live, stop.

    Example; Ammo got wildly overpriced. So we stopped buying. Like magic, prices tanked! Ain’t that crazy?

    Of course that’s stupid oversimplified, but the basic idea is sound.

    Locally, people were bitching about Taco Bell’s quality. OK. Stop buying Taco Bell. They’ll either crash (that store) or correct. Win-win.

    I would love a legislative way to stop corporations from wildly profiteering off our asses, but I don’t know what that looks like.

    • @Serinus
      149 months ago

      The corporations are absolutely aware that people have stopped being price conscious.

      I understand everyone who can afford a $6 case of coca cola can also afford a $12 case. At some point you have to just choose not to buy it, or the price will just keep rising.