Russian President Vladimir Putin may be open to a cease-fire in his war with Ukraine, so long as the country could still declare victory, a new report by the New York Times found.

Putin, still confident in his forces, said that Russia’s goals have not changed. In his annual year-end press conference last week, Putin warned that there would be no peace solution in Ukraine until Russia achieves its overarching goals, the “denazification” and demilitarization of Ukraine.

Putin’s message might be different now, as he has reportedly signaled he is ready to make a deal. Since September, Putin has signaled that he is open to a pause in fighting along the current lines, which is much shorter than his intention to dominate Ukraine, according to the Times who cited two former senior Russian officials.

According to the United Nations, more than 10,000 civilians have been killed and 18,500 have been injured since the start of the war nearly two years ago.

  • @[email protected]
    -19 months ago

    So you are admitting to being mentally handicapped?

    Why do you try to drum up your stupidity for sympathy?

    You’re clearly not mentally handicapped, you’re just a lazy mediocre person who sources their opinions from memes.

    But next time I run into you you bet I’m going to be asking why a self-aware “mentally handicapped” person, is still repeating tropes that they know are wrong.

    • Flying Squid
      49 months ago

      You said:

      Remember when you admitted to me that you were a total moron?

      So apparently I am mentally handicapped.

      Now please answer my question: Do you think people will feel informed by the person who insults mentally handicapped people because he thinks it’s funny?

      • @[email protected]
        -29 months ago

        I know what game you’re trying to play, but you’re messing it up and it just looks like your reinforcing your own admissions.

          • @[email protected]
            -29 months ago

            You can be mean to mentally handicapped people and still be correct.

            Now you’re not actually mentally handicapped and it’s obvious, you just have moronic opinions and argumentation. So people would not be perceiving someone being mean to a mentally handicapped person.

            • Flying Squid
              59 months ago

              Now you’re not actually mentally handicapped and it’s obvious

              I thought I was a total moron?

              Total morons are mentally handicapped.

              So either I’m mentally handicapped or not a total moron.

              As for this:

              You can be mean to mentally handicapped people and still be correct.

              You can also be a racist and be correct. But, ableist or racist, people are less likely to listen to you if you talk about how you mock a minority group for a laugh. I’m sure you realize that, what with being so much smarter than me.

              • @[email protected]
                -19 months ago

                So your argument goes like this

                1. A total moron is a mentally handicapped person
                2. I am correct in calling you a total moron
                3. If 1 AND 2 is true, then I am insulting a mentally handicapped person


                1. People will not take me seriously making me irrational
                2. If premise 2 is not true, then I made a false statement

                Here’s where it fails, and I already warned you about this, calling someone “a total moron” is not a claim of mental handicap and hasn’t been for 60+ years it is a long deprecated medical term that is exclusively used as an insult towards the mentally competent.

                So premise one is actually false, everyone recognizes that premise 1 is false therefore premise 3 is also false. And neither of the conclusions you are trying to assert are correct.

                “with being so much smarter than me”


                • Flying Squid
                  49 months ago

                  Sorry, I’m too much of a total moron to understand any of that. But I’m sure if you tell another “joke” at my expense, people will find what you say illuminating.