His original post , titled I can’t sleep, is some brilliant writing. When we talk about the chilling effect that criticism of Israel creates in industries everywhere (including ours) this is what that looks like.

  • Ook the Librarian
    441 year ago

    Actions have consequences, and that’s ok.

    That is, sincerely, such a hugely refreshing statement in any current affair. I don’t mean to distract from his more specific points, but that key insight really shows integrity in a way that I wish didn’t seem so rare.

      • Ook the Librarian
        241 year ago

        Most people who find themselves fired for their viewpoints decry “cancel culture”. To be clear, booting him of the board was an act of censorship. This acceptance of (the existence of) consequences helps to indicate how strongly one holds to their values.

        He addresses related notions in his essay. Why he chose to accept the consequences in advance and why some others may not be able to. It makes it real.