…and I’m impressed. I did a quick reference of what she needs in terms of making her powers shine and threw something together then gave her a simple trial-by-fire: Zariman Exterminate At first my guns were carrying her. Got a little cocky and activated a Void Angel… couldn’t handle it with just the guns (didn’t bring my best to avoid wholly carrying her). So I avoid it and go about killing the enemies I need and in the process unlock Merulina. I hop on and decide to give the Angel another try since it’s been following me. Now I’ve got the advantage against it. In the battle against the Angel I unlock Aqueblades and found they were… honestly OK against the Angel but pretty good against the Grineer.

Anyone else surprised by her beating the negative hype?

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    She has been buffed since the negativity but people either didn’t go back to try her or keep parroting the same stuff. She’s been wildly decent for a long time now.