Instagram has been shit. I was at peace when I had my account deactivated. I again deactivated now :)
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Instagram has been shit. I was at peace when I had my account deactivated. I again deactivated now :)
(This post was mirrored by a bot. The original post can be found here)
I can respect people who are actually devoted, and embody the good aspects of what the religion preaches. But these Hindu bros with their fake devotion just want somebody to beat on and jump on the Hindutva bandwagon so that they can have their religion ‘win’. Not a one of these people actually practise what they preach.
It’s literally just an outlet for mindless aggression and hatred and it’s very contagious and it’s very scary. Manipulation of the sheep by right wing extremists so they can stay in power. Hate what this country has become lately.