Greetings, and to begin, I have been diagnosed with Asperger’s and also have OCD. Recently, I have been feeling like I need to open a discussion on something that may be going on with me at this time and may need someone to talk to about it. For starters, I have been thinking about setting up a koala community on here that was originally going to focus on koalas and the dangers they are facing, and conservation of their habitat.

But at this time, I feel that I might cause it to include more since I began feeling very concerned as well as anxious about stuff I have been hearing about such Driverless EVs, Quantum Computers, Privacy Evading Stuff, Musk Brain Implants, Dream Reading Tech, etc. that could be related to the hype it has.

And I’m also currently feeling concerned about what I had been hearing about Windows 11 having Adware stuff with it even though I currently have Windows 10 Home on my desktop computer as well as my laptop, and Windows 10 Pro on the other two computers that I use like servers. Many years ago, I used to have Windows XP Home and Windows XP Pro which was my comfort zone for many years, and since I’d been through Windows 7 to Windows 10 now, I had been using software like Open Shell to get my start menu and task bar to be similar to Windows 7 and perhaps Windows XP again.

Another thing that is becoming a worry for me is I’m reading about Microsoft were trying to kill off Paint, but a public outcry had stopped that for now. But it appears that they are getting rid of WordPaw which I have used in the past for notes and writing. It seems to be related to the Qbot malware operation using a DLL hijacking flaw in Windows 10 WordPad to infect computers, though I don’t understand why they don’t just patch that flaw. At least, I have found LibreOffice to use which is free and OpenSource and finding that I like it.

In that past, I used to be in a program called Flying Colors to work on artwork and stuff even though it was 256 colors, but now I’m kind of stuck in Paint for that stuff and worried if something were to happen to that. And I did find LibreWolf for a browser that I had added a number of extensions to for privacy and stuff, though I’m worried about what Google is doing to try to break that with Adware from Youtube and trying to make it hard to watch videos via Invidious.

It currently has me wondering why don’t they just fix and add any new improvements to existing programs and stuff instead of deprecating and obsoleting stuff that will be missed. I just has me feeling there is likely stuff which should just be preserved and kept instead of being tossed out, and I probably can find a bunch of examples which could make you wonder WTH are we walking away from and why.

Now, to move on from technology, I have also been finding ways to try to help me cope, such as finding long sound recordings of forest sounds, heavy rain and thunder, the gentle flow of a stream, the sounds of waves crashing onto a beach, .etc since I find more comfortable being deep in the wilderness. And I also have been focusing more on story writing about kids who go into the forest and end up in a medieval like fantasy world while in the process of escaping from strange and scary tech.

Right now, I feel like could be crossed into a number of communities here like c/technology, c/autism, c/fantasy, c/nostalgia, c/technophobia, etc., but I’m not sure if any of the existing communities would allow this topic to exist in them, so I’m stuck thinking to just have it under general discussion, at least until that I can get the banner and stuff finished to get my idea of a community started here.

  • Konala KoalaOP
    1 year ago

    I have started checking that site out and it seems very good. I’m currently trying Primeval Forest, even though the water stream in it sounds more like a raging waterfall than a trickling water.