(edit [NSFW] sry)

I’m a woman and I’ve never been to a strip club and never will, so whenever I’ve idly heard about lap dances I never thought much of it except for her titties in his face and the pointless sexual frustration and his waste of money

but now for the first time I’m thinking

ohmygod if he had a huge cock and she’s all teasing it through his jeans with her g-string-clad wet pussy that is kinda so hot and maybe that’s worth the money for him

Because I also know that the women are allowed to touch the men, but the men aren’t allowed to touch the women

which brings me back to the opinion of how stupid & pointless & frustrating & stupid the whole thing is

but my only question right now is:

Does she dry hump his erect cock?

  • @LemmyKnowsBestOP
    1 year ago

    As I got halfway through your paragraph I felt a fart generating down in my nether regions and thought,

    while those girls are dry-humping do they ever fart? There must be a lot of farts happening in the club. I mean they’re all human right?

    And what would happen if she farts? End of the dance? Will the guy want a refund?

    • DigitalTraveler42
      1 year ago

      No, that poor fool will take that fart and pretend it wasn’t her that farted, because there’s no way that someone as pretty as her would fart on him, then he will go home and try and masturbate to her, but he’ll still have her fart lingering in his brain, and as he’s struggling to get off he’ll remember the fart smell, and wonder if it actually was her, then he will stop masturbating out of frustration, reach into the end table to pull out the pistol he keeps there, which he’ll use to shoot himself in the nose, because assuredly that will get rid of that fart smell, but the only thing the bullet does is end his miserable existence.