We could simply ask the administrators, but, just for fun, we could program an algorithm such as the following :
#1 get(the_latest_post, from_the_server) #2 modify its address by adding a small fixed number
(manually adjust this small numbertogetoneofthe next posts before they can be deleted)
#3 get(this_next_post, from_the_server)
Repeating these steps a few times and keeping statistics should allow to answer experimentally the question 😋
We could simply ask the administrators, but, just for fun, we could program an algorithm such as the following :
#1 get(the_latest_post, from_the_server) #2 modify its address by adding a small fixed number (manually adjust this small number to get one of the next posts before they can be deleted) #3 get(this_next_post, from_the_server)
Repeating these steps a few times and keeping statistics should allow to answer experimentally the question 😋