• CashewNut 🏴󠁢󠁥󠁧󠁿
    89 months ago

    I asked ChatGPT to ELI5 this and it did a good job:

    “”" Okay, imagine you have a toy plane, like a really cool one. So, there’s this country called Ukraine, and they’re going to get a special kind of toy plane called the F-16C Block 50. This plane is really good at stopping bad flying things, like missiles. The toy plane that the United States has is a newer version, like a fancier model, called the Block 70.

    Now, the Block 50 toy plane from Ukraine has some special things inside it. It has a GPS to know where it is, kind of like when you use a map to find your way. It also has a radar to see far away and some other cool gadgets. This toy plane is like a superhero because it can shoot special missiles and even has a big cannon to protect Ukraine.

    But, you know what? Just having this toy plane doesn’t mean Ukraine will win the fight against another country called Russia. The toy plane is good for stopping missiles, but it might not be the best at fighting other planes in the sky. There are other things called SAMs that are better at keeping Russian planes on the ground.

    So, the toy plane is like a strong helper, but there are many other things needed to win the big fight. It’s a bit like having a superhero toy, but you also need a team of superheroes and a good plan to save the day. “”"

    • @TimeNaan
      29 months ago

      But why is it a toy?