For me it’s the notification light you used to find on older phones, was particularly good to know if your phone was charged without picking it up

  • @Mr_Blott
    419 months ago

    Have you tried not shitting with the door open?

    • @theherk
      789 months ago

      That’s funny. Every time somebody says “If you have nothing to hide, what are you worried about,” I reply, “Do you shit with the door open?”

      But now the door isn’t just open. It feels like Uncle Sam is pissing between your legs.

      • @Mr_Blott
        119 months ago

        Yes we all have an uncle like that. Mine was Jimmy Savile

      • @axefaire
        99 months ago

        Not just Uncle Sam, but every tech company too

        • deweydecibel
          69 months ago

          Yeah anyone thinking it’s only the government spying is revealing their age and/or their biases.

          Uncle Sam doesn’t even need to spy. They just get the data from the corporation that spies on us now for their own reasons.

          Both are a problem.

      • @[email protected]
        39 months ago

        I’m more concerned with privacy than most, but I do in fact shit with the door open. When I’m at home I mean.

    • @AeonFelis
      159 months ago

      My cat does not allow it.