• @IceBerg
    09 months ago

    The Israel government on the other hand is adamant to kill every last Palestinian or ethnically cleanse them with forced displacement. - please show your proof. And please don’t give me quotes from several outliers which unfortunately have been brought recently into the Israeli government. They don’t represent the majority of Israel as apperantly the multitudes cheering in the streets while the October 7th hostiges were paraded through Gaza streets represent the people of Gaza.

      29 months ago

      >They don’t represent the majority of Israel

      but they do represent the actual government

      • @IceBerg
        09 months ago

        Yes. This is a bad government. Is that a reason for the atrocities of oct 7?

    • ???
      19 months ago

      Everything on the news today. That’s proof.

      • @IceBerg
        09 months ago

        That’s proof that there is a war on. No proof of any systematic killings. Based on Palestinian reports there are about 20000 dead, no information of course on how many of them combatants. So over the course of 3 months you have a less than 1 percent fatalities. I point you back to my meme and ask tou where’s the genocide. In the ww2 bombing of dresden 25000 people were killed in just 4 attacks. Israel is doing everything possible to kill only combatants. As I mentioned earlier it is impossible to avoid civilian deaths as they are being used as human shields. Military equipment is constantly being found in hospitals, mosques, schools and under childrens beds.

        • ???
          19 months ago

          . Israel is doing everything possible to kill only combatants.

          Hmmm, so why does Israel use dumb bombs and large missiles that caused the Christmas Massacre for example? 🤔

          Also what about all the dead journalists? If Israel can’t help but shoot at people whose vests say PRESS, then why should I believe this claim of yours?

          • @IceBerg
            -19 months ago

            Israel has lost over 500 soldiers to date. Why put soldiers at risk? You can be sure that if all Israel wanted was annihilation then there are way better ways (dumb bombs as you say) to just completely level Gaza. Israel is targeting military targets which reside within dense population. This sometimes results in unintended deaths thats war. Also, journalists in war zone tend to get killed. Especially ones which embed themselves within combatants. I would also argue the actual number of journalists killed is much smaller, as the definition of a “journalist” is very fluid these days. But that’s just my speculation at the moment, I don’t have facts to back that up.

            • ???
              29 months ago

              If Israel is trying its best not to hurt civilians, then why is an unreasonable amount of civilians dead by everyone else’s account except for yours and Israel’s?

              I won’t comment about not considering them journalists since I think that’s a weak speculative argument with nothing to back it up (all journalists killed could be traced to an organization they worked for or freelanced for). So I’m ignored this BS.

              • @IceBerg
                -19 months ago

                What would be a reasonable amount? What do you consider a reasonable response towards people who decapitate babies? Bake them in ovens in front of their parents? Rape women while mutilating their bodies? The list goes on. What’s a reasonable response for a country that has had this thing done upon it?

                Israel is at war. A war it did not start and it will do everything it can to ensure rhis never happens again.

                Another question for you, if Gaza is so dangerous for innocent civilians due to indiscriminate bombings, why isn’t Egypt taking in refugees? Why aren’t civilians allowed to take shelter in the kilometers of underground tunnels which were built using th billions (yes billions) of dollars the Gaza strip has received over the years?

                • HACKthePRISONS
                  39 months ago

                  >What do you consider a reasonable response towards people who decapitate babies? Bake them in ovens in front of their parents? Rape women while mutilating their bodies? The list goes on. What’s a reasonable response for a country that has had this thing done upon it?

                  I still haven’t seen proof of this.

                  >Israel is at war. A war it did not start

                  this didn’t start October 7

                  • @IceBerg
                    09 months ago
                    • I still haven’t seen proof of this Go search the “Hamas horror film”. Then answer again what you think a reasonable response is.

                    • this didn’t start October 7 When did it start then?

                  • @IceBerg
                    -19 months ago

                    Unfortunately, I know this for a fact (I’m from Israel, talked to people who were there). It’s not even the worst thing that was done. As Israel is torn between protecting the victims of the attacks and explaining them to the world, the proof you require will probably never be shown. I assume you are familiar with the “Hamas horror film”? Is what it shows not enough to go to an all out war against an enemy that has very clearly shown its only goal is your total destruction?