The incoming Clean Fuel Regulations, set to begin on Canada Day, are just the latest example of the policy fight over climate action and affordability.

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    Wait. Give Evil Milhouse a chance to detail a fix.

    Any fix.

    Anytime. Like, today would be good.

    Just, any plan for improvement.

    Or, just let him go back to slagging Hair Guy for luls. He seems to really enjoy shitting on anything Hair Guy does, without a logical reason even when one exists. Right now, as leader of our opposition, he’s doing a fantastic job for the Red party.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      Whenever I hear news of Pierre attackjng Trudeau, I get flashbacks of that youtube video of him cosplaying a lunch date with Trudeau.

      The only thought that follows after that is the old playground story of a bully who is so infatuated with someone but unable to express themselves so they continue to bully harder in hopes of being noticed. The absurdity of this individual is painful.