• @CaptainSpaceman
    -259 months ago

    Bible says a lot of things, picking and choosing a handful and then acting like thatd all it says is the same thing modern Christians do.

    The bible says if you see your dad naked, even if its because hes in a drunken stupor and you didnt expect him to be disrobed, you have to then become a slave for the rest of your days.

    The bible says tattoos are bad.

    The bible says someone talked to a burning shrub about super important stuff and we shouldnt think that dude was tripping or schizo.

    The bible says to kill anyone who practices Wicca.

    Heres some more:


    That article ends with:

    Stop trying to shut people down with “the Bible clearly says,” unless you plan on executing disobedient children.

    • @LordOfTheChia
      149 months ago

      I would think the things expressly said by Jesus Christ would have priority for Christians.

      • @CaptainSpaceman
        29 months ago

        This Jesus?

        “And if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life crippled or lame than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into the eternal fire. And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the hell of fire.” Matthew 18:8-9

        • @LordOfTheChia
          9 months ago

          Seems to me it’s pretty straight forward hyperbole.

          If something is causing you to be a worse person, distance yourself or get rid of it. It shouldn’t really take getting rid of body parts to get there.

          It’s like if someone said “I can’t stop playing WoW and neglecting my family” and you tell them “You can’t stop eh? Maybe you should cut off your hands, maybe then you could stop?” It makes them consider what “can’t” really means. In the spectrum of simply walking away from the vice that is making you worse person to making it physically impossible to engage in said vice, maybe it really isn’t impossible to give it up without resorting to such drastic methods.

          That I would say is the least controversial of the things Jesus has said.

        • @Daft_ish
          69 months ago

          … but is it really your hand or foot that causes you to sin?

    • dream_weasel
      109 months ago

      So… To be clear, your argument here is that choosing the specific words of the savior which are canonized in the holy book (which may or may not be perfect, whatever) as exemplar behavior is invalid because…

      *reads back*

      “The Bible says a lot of things” so we shouldn’t just focus on those?

      So like, there’s no reason to judge for not loving your neighbor, because the Bible also says you gotta do gay hating and there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get them all done? What the fuck lol.

      Or alternatively you’re saying that “it says a lot of things” like no reasonable person would assume only good things are part of Christianity because it says all those bad things? Congratulations you’ve reached the argument for disregarding the Bible and taken steps 2-7 of becoming atheist.

      Your argument sort of works if you want to discredit the “bad stuff”, but when applied to core tenets of the faith to make Christians not look bad for not doing them it looks pretty stupid yo.

      • @CaptainSpaceman
        39 months ago

        Using a bad faith book full of hypocrisies is not a valid way to judge others.

        That was the point.

        • @surewhynotlem
          139 months ago

          Using a bad faith book full of hypocrisies is not a valid way to judge others.

          It’s exactly the right way to judge those who use the same method of judgement. Calling LGBTQ+ people evil because the book says so? You best be following that book to the letter, or we’re going to hit you with it.

        • dream_weasel
          119 months ago

          If they believe it to be absolute truth, yes it is. That’s how arguments work. Both sides don’t need to believe an argument for it to be wrong, you need only show it isn’t self consistent.