I got an atomic purple gameboy color when I was a child along with six games.

In 2015 I found it back in a box and that got me into collecting consoles, games and into modding for few years.

I haven’t bought anything regarding gameboy in a while (due prices being crazy mostly 🫤) but though of sharing again to get interesting discussions going on.

What is your favourite console for playing?

For me at home I’ve used a lot the backlited gameboy advance as it’s quite good ergonomic-wise. For commuting I’ve played usually fire emblem in the GBA SP and the tetris in the pokemon mini, super good ones and battery lasts a lot! 😎

  • klieg2323
    2 years ago

    It might be sacreligous to say but my favorite actual Gameboy to play on these days is the GBA Player GameCube attachment. I’ve found myself preferring playing these game on a couch with a comfortable controller for longer periods.

    Handheld I currently prefer bringing my hacked 3ds out and about, but the further that slides into retro the more afraid I’ll be of bringing it out of the house like my actual Gameboys

    • ChiwiuOP
      22 years ago

      Never owned a gamecube to try this, but sounds fair 😁 Like in the Switch playing in docked mode in the TV.

      I also have a hacked 3DS to play when travelling further, I like to think these consoles are for playing, never gonna be retro enough to leave them at home