I got an atomic purple gameboy color when I was a child along with six games.

In 2015 I found it back in a box and that got me into collecting consoles, games and into modding for few years.

I haven’t bought anything regarding gameboy in a while (due prices being crazy mostly 🫤) but though of sharing again to get interesting discussions going on.

What is your favourite console for playing?

For me at home I’ve used a lot the backlited gameboy advance as it’s quite good ergonomic-wise. For commuting I’ve played usually fire emblem in the GBA SP and the tetris in the pokemon mini, super good ones and battery lasts a lot! 😎

  • @thehatfox
    22 years ago

    For me it’s the Game Boy Pocket and GBA SP. I loved the smaller size and larger screen of the Pocket compared to the original DMG, and I just generally like the clean lines of the design. I intend to do one of those Game Boy Pocket Color mods when I get some free time, a colour screen Pocket looks great.

    The GBA SP has another pleasing design, and the the folding screen makes it so compact. Plus there are lots of fun limited edition shells to collect or choose from.

    The Game Boy Micro is also nicely designed, it feels very solid in the hands. But it’s almost too small, and it only plays GBA games. Screen is very vivid though.