Only one in 10 feel leaving the EU has helped their finances, while just 9% say it has benefited the NHS, despite £350m a week pledge according to new poll

A clear majority of the British public now believes Brexit has been bad for the UK economy, has driven up prices in shops, and has hampered government attempts to control immigration, according to a poll by Opinium to mark the third anniversary of the UK leaving the EU single market and customs union.

The survey of more than 2,000 UK voters also finds strikingly low numbers of people who believe that Brexit has benefited them or the country.

Just one in 10 believe leaving the EU has helped their personal financial situation, against 35% who say it has been bad for their finances, while just 9% say it has been good for the NHS, against 47% who say it has had a negative effect.

  • @Aceticon
    9 months ago

    If the choice was that simple, the Tories wouldn’t have spent all that time and effort in negotiating an Exit Agreement and would have simply said “screw you” to EU negotiators and relied on the basic WTO trade agreement: there really was no way the EU could force exit negotiations on Great Britain, which could have left with no Exit Agreement at all since it’s a fully sovereign nation within its on border, but then the UK would have no rights to access EU facilities and the Single Market beyond basic WTO.

    Clearly there was a lot of complexity around the whole “access to EU facilities and the Single Market” (in other words, the stuff beyond the soverignty of the UK) and enough UK self interest related to those, otherwise why would the Tories even bother, much less spend so much time on and talk so much to the Press about the Exit Agreement?!

    Just because you can describe something complex in simple terms (“Brain surgery is just poking around in people’s brains”) doesn’t mean it is actually simple and hence that choices around it are simple: that you think something is simple just from reading a simple description of it can indeed mean that it is simple, but it can also mean that you’re profoundly ignorant about it.

    Judging by how the very politicians that campaigned for Leave ended up desperatelly negotiating the Exit Agreement when they did got what they campaigned for, profound ignorance is by far the most likelly explanation for thinking that the simplistic way in which the Leave choice was formulated for you actually represents the full depth of complexity on that subject.

    Said ignorance was quite understandable before all this happenned, but by now it can only be willful.

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      I’m an American so I’ll yield to your opinion as a Brit. I trust in Brits’ ability to understand and make decisions.

      Really, it’s none of my business