Initially, I created the account to hold the projects I was working on in the weekly open-source improv computer science classes I was holding. But now I want to back off, create a community around it, and return probably to my Wade-Welles account or a new Ekis account.

I just wanted to announce our sudden growth and talk about ways I can take the project name, which is tied to a California based non-profit already (we could convert it to a cooperative, which is a new company design available in California (and has existed for a long time in Latin America) or we can re-work the articles of incorporation to function as a non-profit cooperative by basically programming the right rule set), and start the conversion from it being a part of one of my many internet personas and help it develop into a vibrant leftist science-oriented community.

I want a place where we can put projects and fork projects to improve them and collaborate. I’m not fond of Github; I hate that owners were willing to sell it to Microsoft.

We will have our own Git web client setup soon on probably, but many projects are still on GitHub, so this will be useful regardless.

I will also be working, so will provide email addresses to people who want them and subdomains for grey-literature journals or other projects. I will probably move my grey literature notebook from the primary domain to, which now goes to the channel.

I released the shehackedyou name on Twitch and should be able to take it over soon, so the Twitch channel will be appropriately named.

I also do plan on starting free improv weekly leftist-oriented science classes again, now that my temporary housing situation is more stable and while my servers are not in their rack, they are stacked next to a table, but I have access to them again.

And I have the rest of the equipment needed to stream. (I accidentally stored my MIDI controller and liked using it for buttons). Also, the software I wrote to automatically follow the active window is completed.

I will open the channel to anyone interested in offering free science lectures.

For full transparency, when I was running the classes we were earning around 50 USD a month. This revenue can be used to support members, pay for hosting, system administration, and other things we can think of. But it will be spent in a way that is democratic because the organization WILL be a cooperative. And its very realistic it will generate revenue for us to use to empower our members or further our yet to be defined objectives.

I already have a series of lectures from a Nurse who came from a low-income family but ended up going to Yale and working for NASA, and her perspective and knowledge are incredible. She is now teaching, so I will encourage her to provide more lectures in which we can find people to do animations to illustrate concepts, or I’ll get her set up to stream. She has vast knowledge of biology and aerospace, solid opinions about space and peace, and has been working her way into the UN. She is also a hacker, not in the computer way, in the way she got a press pass and can now use it to get into events previously she would be barred from. For example, she knew the hospital system so well she called into a hospital she had never worked at to ensure her sister, who was severely injured, got treated immediately.

And if you want to check her communist credentials? She has a literal bust of Mao the size of her smallest kid. Where is your bust of Mao?

This is one new part of the evolution of this community and project: to expand it and let it grow further.

Please comment with any objections, problems, or complaints, or even if you like the idea, you can show your support.

But I want honest feedback to help this project grow into what it could be. I already talked to the (I hate the name) dev, and they will accept my pull requests. There are a lot of places for improvement. I wrote in a weekend a more feature-rich link aggregator back when I lived in Germany just because, and I was going to write one for this community or resurrect the one I had because it had weird features like supporting PGP/RSA/ECDSA-based logins, almost zero javascript for the benefit of Tor users.

The primary project of the stream was originally, which is basically like QubesOS but done better and on Debian instead of Red Hat.

For Example, QubesOS, at least at the time, ran all their VMs as root, which means a breakout has root access in the hypervisor. I even talked with the QubesOS developers and the developer of Whonix (who is incredible and brilliant) because my project was a mixture of those. I learned a lot about their problems and found out that many didn’t even use the operating system. I have used Multiverse-OS for over 4 years now; there is no installer yet, but it’s a working and incredibly secure project.

This doesn’t have to be the focus anymore; I will go into more detail about Multiverse OS in another post. Because it is a passion of mine, and I do use it, and I kinda started the project as a demonstration on building an open source community around a project from scratch; because I have done this many times before and I wanted to demonstrate it on stream as a way to teach others.

And if you read this-- Create a post! Introduce yourself, you deserve your own post, not a thread with a bunch of people talking about different things so people can ask you questions and learn more about you; your work; your interests- and how what you think about the state of computer science*

(For example, I think it is completely fucked; and most science has reproducibility problems because computer scientists are not working on critically important open-source science equipment and instead creating stupid fucking hype cycles and selling phones with essentially no real hardware improvements every year, driving the need for rare earth minerals that fuel wars in fucking Africa. It drives pain and suffering, waste, and lies and unfortunately it also drives me).

  • @TheIdOfAlan
    39 months ago

    Three cheers for the work and thought you’ve put into this.

    I don’t think of myself as communist or leftist, but I’m digging the vision. (Also, a professor of rhetoric friend told my yesterday that I speak like marx does, so who knows. “Bust of Mao” would make a great band name, btw. I’m adding it to my list)

    brain storming thoughts:

    Would love to see what we’re writing here end up on a top level shehackedme domain. Kinda obvious, but I’ll say it anyway 😁 though, I’m also a big fan of using existing tools to get things started. A prior version of me would have been in rush make that happen first. The new version of me is nodding my head yes for getting started here on lemmy to kick things off.

    I’ve been working on my home page. It has me thinking about what a home page for shehackedme might look like. It feels like this link aggregation is where action will happen, but it also feels like maybe that shouldn’t be the entire home page. Just part of it. (Super high-level, fuzzy thought for now, but looking at the home page of lemmy it doesn’t have its own personality and I think that’s important for things)


    • what if sub domains where only for accounts and then give every account one automatically?

    • it would be the account’s home page

    • The software would build a default profile, with ways to modify it. e.g. make it based off templates thta folks could edit themselves. Or just change the CSS

    • And then also have an override where folks could make a git repo and take complete control over the page. (basically github pages, but where those are the account profile pages themselves)

    • Then, allow every one to make fourth level domains for their projects, each with a github repo attached.

    • Not sure if providing DNS control of the sub domains is a good idea or not. Probably not for the third level profile domains, but maybe? Even more so with the maybe for the fourth level? Like let folks build stuff that requires server side processing wherever and then point their ``` domain to it

    • yeah, so basically reddit + geocities + github page at the project level

    • ekisOPM
      49 months ago

      You don’t have to be a communist, socialist, or leftist. You can be apolitical too, I think its just most importantly just caring about other people. Not just people in your sphere of influence but all people. If we agree on just that, I think we have a starting point to work together on projects, and a nucleation point for collecting people.

      I did post in leftist communities because they typically meet that requirement.

      I also don’t believe technology alone can save us, like we are one invention away from solving the worlds problems. But I do think if we work together, especially contributing to global open source community we can do good.