We all have been there… For the beginner it’s easy to mess things up. What are your horror stories with Git?

Link to xkcd

  • @[email protected]
    42 years ago

    Honestly this is me. At this point I really should know better but I dont, and every tuorial seems to be speaking a whole new language. Any tips for where to learn this?

      • @[email protected]
        42 years ago

        Thank you! I will read this in detail next week once I’m back on the clock and work is paying me to read it 😁😋

    • @mookulator
      2 years ago

      It’s ridiculous isn’t it? You shouldn’t have to feel like you’re learning some cryptic new language to use version control software.

      Just do a really simple work flow:

      1. “Clone” the code repository from the internet onto your computer (“clone” = “copy”). You only do this once.
      2. Edit code like normal
      3. When you feel happy with some changes you’ve made, “commit” them (“commit” = “save”)
      4. When you’ve committed a few changes, “push” them back to the original repository so your coworkers can see your changes (“push” = “publish”) Repeat

      There are a few good practices:

      • “Pull” often. I.e. update your local copy of the repository with your coworkers’ changes
      • Write an intelligible message with every commit so you and your coworkers can understand what you changed
      • If you’re going to take on a big project, make a “branch” and work there. A branch is like a copy within a copy of the repository so you don’t mess with code that’s already working. When you’re happy with a bunch of commits/pushes in a branch, you “merge” it back into the main repository.

      Everything else is just details!