Hey all! I’m new here – been writing fairly seriously for about a decade and been wading slowly into the publishing world more recently. Would love to get to know any other writers hanging out around here – what do you write and what are you working on?

I write a lot of fantasy/speculative, though I also do some short work in the space of memoir and CNF. Currently working on a novel about a girl whose voice is death.

Anyway, introduce yourselves! I’d love to see any stories you might be up for sharing!

  • @[email protected]
    29 months ago

    I’m a writer. I’m currently working on a post-modern dystopian fiction novel with transhumanism and fantasy elements. I’ve been working on it for several years now but it never seems to come out the way i want it to.

    • ThatExpatGirlOP
      19 months ago

      I love stuff that crosses genre lines – so your stuff sounds right up my alley. It’s funny how the words never quite seem to want to cooperate. Anything you’ve been struggling with in particular?

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        The characters. Humans are really complex and dynamic creatures; and it’s difficult to capture that in fiction. I always feel like my characters are 2-dimensional.