• @aelwero
    -559 months ago

    What are you doing to ensure your ability to retire at 65? Anything?

    Once upon a time, the government ce up with a new deal, to force people to give up a big chunk of their paycheck, so that they’d have retirement income when they got old. They called it an individual retirement account. They mailed out statements. You could look at your statement every year and see what you put in, and what you’d get for it.

    Now, they call it welfare… They call it a drain on your taxes (but you young people still pay that extra chunk to this very day… They’ve hoodwinked your asses into thinking SS deductions are just plain old taxes…). The sentiment is that those people should have planned for their retirement…

    Thing is… They did plan for retirement… By letting the government take those deductions…

    And again… If those people should have planned for themselves… What are YOU doing to ensure you can retire? Are you gonna rely on the ponzi scheme? You know damned well it’s a ponzi scheme. You know it isn’t going to be viable when you retire. So what are you doing?

    Those old dudes can keep those jobs if they want as far as I’m concerned. I’m old enough to have received “individual account statements” from the SS office by mail, but not so old that I didn’t make any other plans (old enough to have had the option to pursue a pension, which sadly is gone for pretty much anyone these days).

    I personally feel like anyone born before 1965 has every right to have relied on SS alone, born 1965-1990, you should have seen the writing on the wall, but if you didn’t, it’s kinda excusable. Born after 1990, you absolutely should not be expecting much out of SS (and frankly, y’all should be pissed off at the SS deduction you pay every check…you’re basically being told straight to your faces that it’s an outright tax… That is NOT what your parents and grandparents were told…)

    If those 70+ year olds had known that SS would devolve into being called a “welfare program”, most wouldn’t have relied on it (gen x and prior have a strong moral aversion to anything welfare…). They didn’t cause this problem, they believed in the government, and government caused it.

    • Snot Flickerman
      9 months ago

      Because Republicans have gutted Social Security and promoted the idea that it is “welfare” it’s individuals fault for not bowing to the capitalist system and taking the big unlubed dick up their ass to work themselves to death, never take time off, never do anything nice for themselves, and basically only put money away for retirement?

      What even is this pull yourself by your own bootstraps bullshit from someone lucky enough to have a pension?

      Folks should have seen the writing on the walls?

      Dude, pay has been stagnant for fifty fucking years or are you not familiar with this chart?

      People aren’t getting paid enough to save for fucking retirement, don’t give us this “What are you doing to ensure your ability to retire at 65? Anything?”

      Have you heard the joke “My retirement plan is to die in the Water Wars.”

      It’s a dark joke borne of desperation because none of us has any money saved for fucking anything, and all of us fear a bleak future where we die in the fucking streets in our old age.

      But sure, because we’re not dumping the money we don’t have into an actual ponzi scheme like a fucking 401K, we’re at fault for instead of hoping that our Social Security payments can at least keep food in our bellies when we do inevitably end up on the fucking street. Like literally nobody I know thinks Social Security is enough to live off of and isn’t planning on it, but it’s not like a lot of these people have a lot of fucking options.

      • @aelwero
        -429 months ago

        I appear to have misrepresented myself as someone who has actual money… That’s not really the case bud, I’ve been fighting your silly chart for decades, tooth and nail.

        Go be a nurse or a teacher if you want a pension, or shop around for a government job… They’re still out there. They aren’t as common as they used to be by a damned sight, especially in trades, but you can still find them. I’d stay the fuck away from the postal service, those pensions are wired tight, but working up that chain involves being someone’s bitch until they retire basically (lots of “assistant” crap).

        Expect to be paid less if your pension is union though. Sucks for decades, but you won’t have to sit there praying SS holds up. Pensions aren’t luck, they’re a compromise, just like anything else.

        • Chetzemoka
          9 months ago

          As a nurse, “pension”


          Yeah, we don’t get those, bud. From the corporations or the unions.

          • Snot Flickerman
            9 months ago

            Also, this guy must be oblivious to how many “pensions” are now being bundled into the market and gambled.

            “Pension” doesn’t mean shit anymore when wall street fat cats can wheel and deal with it and you suddenly lose all the money you had in it through no fault of your own.

            Especially at the State level, State’s absolutely use their pension funds for “investment” to “ensure they grow.”

            All it takes is one bad move by the investor in charge.

            Even pensions are a fucking racket at this point.

        • @IamtheMorgz
          59 months ago

          I work for the state. For the last decade or more, the pension has been a pittance (1% per year of service, takes 10 to vest). Better than absolutely nothing but still not enough even when you add it to SS. I put back what I can, but realistically I don’t think I’ll ever be able to afford to retire even with the pension.

    • @RestrictedAccount
      319 months ago

      The original Social Security never paid out until TWO YEARS BEYOND THE AVERAGE LIFE EXPECTANCY.

      It wasn’t a retirement plan.

      It was a plan so the elderly poor could die with dignity.

    • @highenergyphysics
      169 months ago

      Literally what the fuck are you even talking about

      Look at this goddamn idiot, with his pension and secured retirement. This is how fucking stupid you could be and STILL retire, that’s how good these people had it.

      My retirement plan is guns and ammo, and it’s not coming at 65.

      Maybe for you it is.

    • Flying Squid
      119 months ago

      What are you doing to ensure your ability to retire at 65? Anything?

      Hope we’ll be able to retire on my wife’s money because I have not been successful in my life?

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      I save privately in funds for my retirenment.

      In addition to that the Swedish government has several pension funds that they manage and I will get some money from that.

    • @andrewta
      -169 months ago

      I honestly don’t know why you’re getting down voted. You’re basically just saying anyone born between a certain number of years should’ve seen the writing on the wall. And anyone born after a certain year should’ve seen and there’s really no excuse to not have seen the writing on the wall. You’re basically just saying don’t rely on the government to have that money because the government isn’t going to. Again I’m not sure why you’re getting down voted.

      • @aelwero
        -209 months ago

        Because it sounds like I’m a stupid fucking Republican saying the bootstrap bullshit. Everything has to be pigeonholed into either Republican or Democrat these days, and I live in the middle as a (GASP!!!) centrist…

        If what I say is Republican sounding, I must be a racist rednecky dude that drives a big ass diesel pickup and lemmy downvotes because lemmy is left biased AF, and if what I say sounds lefty, then I probably hate America and will vote for any sack of shit with a D next to it, and lemmy upvotes…

        Reality is I kinda just hate everybody these days, because absolutely nobody gives a flying fuck about anybody except their tribe members…

        Lemme guess, you’re not in the US? Live in one of those other places where it’s still socially acceptable to speak neutrally?

        Don’t sweat them votes man, I don’t ;) you read it exactly the way I meant it.

        • @Dkarma
          139 months ago

          Dude u obviously have no clue what an Overton window is.
          People say you probably sound Republican because you are by your own definition. “Centrist” in America is right wing right leaning.

          You’re the last person to give advice on anything. You don’t even know what you are on the political spectrum.

        • @andrewta
          -29 months ago

          Actually I live in Minnesota.

          But yeah I hear ya about everyone has to be putting everyone into either left or right and forgetting that there are other areas.

          You have a good 2024.

        • @[email protected]
          -89 months ago

          Yeah Lemmy is just Reddit except it thinks it’s cooler than Reddit because it’s not Reddit.

          • Snot Flickerman
            9 months ago

            So stop bitching and go back to fucking reddit.

            None of us think Lemmy is “cool” we just prefer not having a corporation dictate how we interact with the internet because they’re concerned about profits and an IPO.

            We like Lemmy because it’s run by volunteers who aren’t here to make money off of our data. That’s all.

            Seriously, this simple minded thoughtless bullshit belongs on reddit so fuck off back there, please.

              • Snot Flickerman
                9 months ago

                That would hurt a lot more if you had a fucking brain.

                It’s really hard to feel insulted by obvious idiots, you know.

                • @[email protected]
                  -39 months ago

                  This is what I mean. All you’re doing is hurling insults. Maybe it is you who should return to Reddit.

                  • Snot Flickerman
                    9 months ago

                    None of us think Lemmy is “cool” we just prefer not having a corporation dictate how we interact with the internet because they’re concerned about profits and an IPO.

                    We like Lemmy because it’s run by volunteers who aren’t here to make money off of our data. That’s all.

                    Seriously, this simple minded thoughtless bullshit belongs on reddit so fuck off back there, please.

                    No, I explained to you why people actually like Lemmy and pointed out why claiming “everyone thinks Lemmy is so cool” is literally a thoughtless statement.

                    I insulted you after because instead of reading that, understanding it, and digesting it, you were like “yup. just like reddit.”

                    But I mean, that’s literally what I expect from someone who can only shit out short simple statements. You can’t be fucked to actually think about anything and instead are just “Nah everyone sucks because they think it’s cool when it’s not.” which isn’t even close to a thoughtfully considered statement.

                    Sorry, not sorry. I don’t feel bad insulting people who deserve to be insulted for their abject fucking stupidity. Especially when they continue to choose to ignore the stupid shit they said, the fact that they’ve been corrected, and continue to double down like the dumb motherfucker they are.