Infestation 88 developer, Nightmare Forge Games, have responded to claims that the ‘88’ in the game’s title refers to the Neo-Nazi salute.

  • @[email protected]
    141 year ago

    Resetera (among other outlets) have done a bit more digging and it is more or less an orgy of red flags

    So we have:

    • A game about a rat invasion (anyone who’s read Art Spiegelman’s Maus should already know where this is headed);
    • Where one plays as exterminators using gas masks, who coincidentally use poison gas as their weapon;
    • On a game titled “Infestation 88” (which, as another user pointed out, has 14 characters, besides the obvious 88 dog-whistle);
    • Which also happens to supposedly reference the StG 44 German WWII assault rifle;
    • And if you want to add my original dog-whistly speculation, it wouldn’t be a stretch to be suspicious of that “SS” at this point.

    And, to add on, the studio’s website claims they have been making games since 2010 with this being their first game. 2024-2010=14 (words).

    combine that with the official discord being full of “pronoun jokes” and similar bigotry and it is really hard to view this edgelord game as anything other than a giant dog whistle.

    • flipht
      1 year ago

      This. Cryptofascism relies on being able to scream, “It was just a joke / I didn’t know!”

      Mistakes can happen and you might accidentally engage in a dog whistle as a normal person.

      A dozen mistakes all pointing to the exact same thing are unlikely.

      And to be fair, it could be one person at the top putting all these wink wink indicators in, and the majority involved might just be normal folks.

      I still won’t be buying the game.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      So, out the door any media playing with steamboat Willie being public domain is suspect because of rat adjacent symbolism?

      Counting characters seems like basically numerology, if you want to get to a specific number it’s not hard. If you count the space it’s 14 characters, but you could just as easily not count the space. What if it had been "infestation: 88”? Not Nazi because of the colon, or do we skip the space now?

      Using the conclusion of your argument as evidence to make further leaps is also not super sound reasoning.

      It’s an asset flip game capitalizing on steamboat Willie and the “make a now public domain children’s character scary” money grab. It’s exactly what happened with Winnie the Pooh.

      It’s a horror game with a mouse as the scary creature. The only cultural touchstones we have for mice are either cute, infestation or disease. Exterminators are who you call when you have a mouse problem, and people wearing gas masks are one of the most prolific assets you can buy models for in asset shops.

      Dogwostles exist, but it’s important to actually look at context.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Oooh. Thanks for reminding me of the other important reason to be aware of dog whistles and to look at the context in which they are being applied.

        The people who aggressively insist everything is just a coincidence while trying to nitpick everything to death are almost never acting in good faith. Best case scenario, they are an edgelord kid on 4chan who doesn’t understand they are being manipulated. More likely they are angry that people understand their “secret code”.

        Either way, they aren’t worth interacting with.

        So… good job demonstrating what a bad faith dipshit would insist upon. You missed the /s though. Be careful with that. Some people might actually think you woke up and said “I need to defend some neonazis from criticism”.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          Or, you know, I don’t think that literally everything I can justify with numerology is Nazism, and so I don’t think I’m defending neonazis because someone used 14 letters in a game title.

          Your argument is unassailable, because in your mind anyone who finds in unconvincing is a literal Nazi.

          Think to yourself what someone would have to discover for you to decide they weren’t Nazis.
          I know what I would need to see to think that I was wrong: statements, affiliations, something beyond numerology, refusal to make changes in the face of an unfortunate coincidence, or almost anything.

          What would make you say “shit, I was wrong and listening to numerology”?

    • @Sunfoil
      11 year ago

      This is on a similar level of derangement as QAnon people spotting Satanist references in pictures of the Clintons. Please touch grass.