Today I decided to install SearxNG, just to for $h1ts and giggles, and to avoid a little bit of tracking by those creeps at Google and Bing.

I started wit a clean Debian 12 LXC container on my Proxmox server and used the installation script route. I just needed to:

  • Create a non-root user . DO NOT call this user searxng, this is the user the install script creates for you, if it already exists, the script will fail
  • Add this user to the the sudo group
  • Install sudo, git and curl
  • Clone the install repo
  • Run the install script
  • Run the nginx setup script

That’s it. The search page will be available in http://<ip-address>/searxng

  • @deepdive
    12 years ago

    Yeah It’s probably just me and my learning process ! There was a case, where duckduckgo didn’t worked anymore, opened a github issue and followed some steps to change some specfic strings in a python script inside the container (nothing fancy actually).

    After the testing process they update the searxng docker image. You probably didn’t nocticed it if you regularly pull the new image.

    Except for that specific case, it runs smooth as butter :))