Corruption? I wouldn’t be very much surprised, simply because rich people in positions of power are like that.

The part about the informant reminded me of another informant that swore up and down that Saddam Hussein had huge stockpiles of “weapons of mass destruction” -remember that? There weren’t any.

By a trick of memory, I am also reminded of the previous Gulf war, and the harrowing testimony before Congress of a 15 year old girl about witnessing Iraqi soldiers emptying and taking incubators from a Kuwaiti hospital and leaving Kuwaiti babies to die on the cold hard floor. This also turned out to be a completely fictional story, told by (it was later revealed) the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador, that had been coached by a public relations firm called Hill & Knowlton, that was at the time contracted by the Kuwaiti government.

So I guess you can’t always trust informants or evidence produced by republican activity.

  • @Cypher
    89 months ago

    It’s quite the bubble you live in if this is the first time you’ve heard it.

    As I said there is a clear pattern of behaviour and there is zero reason to expect differently this time.

    Oh and a neat factor may be that Im a cyber security expert, and I can tell you that laptop is worse than worthless.

    For 7 years Republicans have been screeching about Hunter and… nothing.

    Meanwhile Trumps maga insurrectionists are all going to jail.

      • @Cypher
        07 months ago

        I love how it was so obvious to anyone with more than two braincells to rub together.

        The informant being charged for lying is just perfect.

        Then the informant being paid by a Trump owned proxy…. Ahh it’s just too easy.

    • NeuromancerM
      -89 months ago

      Once again did you have a cite? Or are you going to keep lying? The laptop has confirmed to be true.

      And no you’re not a cybersecurity expert. lol. Jesus.