The main chess community on .world has fuck all subs and I’m not asking reddit, so I’ll brick my pipi, shit my pampers, and ask it here instead. Club has a (very friendly) blitz night coming up, and I’d like to scrape some points against the top player (who’s about 2150 FIDE), who plays the czech benoni. To give context I’m about 1900, so much worse but in with a shot if I put something fun together. Any ideas for some neat lines to look at?

  • hitstun
    11 year ago

    Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about-- ah, forget it. I’m lucky to keep my elo higher than my @[email protected] post count.

    I dunno, Nc6, then Qa5+, then Nb4? They’ll probably take our knight but it stops their attack.

    Then I guess we push king and try to check their king with our king.