I started on Elitedesk 800 G1s when Raspberry Pis got hard to find and expensive, and I now feel they are better in every respect if you don’t need the GPIO pins.

Every time I open them up to upgrade something I’m impressed with the level of engineering. There are quality manufacturer manuals for them, the cooling is good and they look great

  • @FaceButt9000
    69 months ago

    I have an HP 800 G4 arriving in the mail any day now. Right now I run most of my stuff on a pi3, including openvpn, transmission, minidlna, grafana, backuppc, and postgresql. I’m looking forward to porting all of that, plus suricata and dnsmasq, onto the G4 when it arrives.

    • @thirdBreakfastOP
      19 months ago

      You’ll have so much more room for activities!