They keep raising prices, stating that it’s due to inflation, but then they keep having record profits.

Meanwhile, the average American can barely afford rent or food nowadays.

What are we to do? Vote? I have been but that doesn’t seem to do much since I’m just voting for a representative that makes the actual decisions.

  • @CADmonkey
    341 year ago

    I think food riots are just a few years off, really. Maybe when enough stock is stolen and enough stores trashed they will learn, but I expect they will try to be heavy handed, sending in the local WalMart Defense Team (a.k.a. the police force closest to a given walmart) to handle it, but there are definitely going to be problems with that considering some people go to walmart armed.

    • @Graphy
      101 year ago

      Funny enough I’ve seen a few Walmarts with mini police stations inside of them.

      • @inb4_FoundTheVegan
        121 year ago


        The location has been closed for nearly a year after officials say shoplifters set fires in the store to distract from their thieving

        And I have zero fucking sympathy for Wal Mart, their entire business model is based on exploitation both of the surrounding community, the government and of their own workers. Burn the police station down with it next time, so long as you get what ya need.

    • @teamevil
      1 year ago

      Member the time a guy stole underwater from Walmart and then ran into a random house to escape the police (I think in Colorado). The police destroyed the house to get him. Then the home owners tried to sue for the value of their house and the police found not liable.

      Totes meant to say underwear not underwater