    5 months ago

    Friendly reminder (for everyone) from someone in the field that the vast majority of people who study law do not end up making millions of dollars a year at top firms. If you’re just going into law to make money, there are much less expensive ways to do so.

    • hamid
      185 months ago

      I can confirm this, all I got was severe burn out and depression!

      • ALQ
        105 months ago

        They didn’t even send you the T-shirt? That’s supposed to come standard once you hit burnout.

    • @[email protected]
      135 months ago

      Yeap, and the ones who do make millions usually have to work 24/7 in an extremely high stress environment. Burnout at those firms are pretty extreme, most just do it for a couple years to pay off loans and to pad their CVs.

      I do have a buddy who is making a killing working a pretty low stress position for a top firm, but he took a really odd career course. Hes got a PhD in organic chem and then got his JD from Berkeley.