Teachers fired, inmates detransitioned, adult care banned, allies killed. A new phase of anti-trans politics- eradication is the goal

By Erin Reed | WASHINGTON – On Monday morning, we learned of a tragic incident: a woman was fatally attacked outside her store by an individual who had torn down the pride flag displayed there.

The following day, the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals delivered another blow, determining that transgender youth and adults aren’t entitled to their medication, arguing such treatment is not “deeply rooted in this nation’s history and traditions,” a rationale echoing the Dobbs anti-abortion decision.

Concurrently, new laws are coming into effect, mandating the forced detransition of any incarcerated transgender individual. The once muted alarm signaling potential dangers for the transgender community has escalated into a raging firestorm. Reactionary figures from the right are fueling this blaze, advocating for eradication.

  • Zuberi 👀
    01 year ago

    For what it’s worth, the GOP doesn’t care if they vote or not

      • Zuberi 👀
        01 year ago

        I mean that’s not even remotely close to ONLY trans people.

        I guarantee you they don’t give 2 fucks about the 0.5% that would vote blue no matter what

        • Zorque
          -11 year ago

          Considering how close many of their races are, I’m pretty sure they care about disenfranchising as many voters as possible.

          Its not like they have an overwhelming majority, more often than not its the opposite.

          • Zuberi 👀
            01 year ago

            Pissing off 0.5% (which then pisses off the left) and 50% (women) respectively is not going to win them anything going forward

            • Zorque
              -11 year ago

              They’ve got plenty of women who court the face-eating leopards. It’s not a huge market for them (democrats and progressive independents get the lions share of womens votes in most races), but they don’t need 50%. As evidence by the last two of three presidential elections they won without the popular vote, not to mention all the gerrymandered districts across various purple and “red” states.

              Pissing off the left fires up their base, which then turns out in droves. Meanwhile the lackluster mishmash of democrats and poorly marketed progressives often fail to fire up the left and left-leaning centrists enough to overcome the hard-right voters that actually show up in droves.

              • Zuberi 👀
                01 year ago

                GOP has 0% chance if their running platform is genuinely about taking away rights from women

                • Zorque
                  -11 year ago

                  That’s been their platform all along.

                  And yet they have control of the House, and keep squeaking closer to taking back the Senate… there’s a not impossible chance they take back the presidency, provided their candidate can stay out of jail (and at this point, I wouldn’t discount that not disqualifying them).