• @Mr_Dr_Oink
    09 months ago

    No, fomo isn’t illegal. Coercion is. And although the legal definition of coercion doesnt include the mental distress one feels when feeling like they might miss out it doesnt mean that it cant be argued from a philosophical angle that fomo is a form of coercion.

    Your view that it bares zero resemblance is very static.

    Only a sith deals in absolutes 😜

    • conciselyverbose
      29 months ago

      No valid definition of coercion has any resemblance in any context to what is happening here.

      Some things are absolute, and the fact that you don’t even sort of have any idea what you’re talking about is one of them. You’re not making a “philosophical argument”. You’re spouting completely incoherent gibberish.

      • @Mr_Dr_Oink
        09 months ago

        I guess you are entitled to your opinion. If i only you allowed me to be entitled to mine without trying to insult me.

        • conciselyverbose
          29 months ago

          It’s not an opinion. You are objectively wrong, completely redefining words to mean things that are entirely different.

          You are not entitled to lie with words without being called out for it.

          • @Mr_Dr_Oink
            9 months ago

            I will say what i have said to another user here.

            I did not intend to state that fomo was a crime. I didn’t actually say that at any point.

            I did say, and mean, that coercion is a crime. That is true from a legal standpoint.

            I then gave my opinion, or my philosophical argument, that i believe that fomo is a form of coercion.

            It’s not complete gibberish, and i wasn’t lying. You just misinterpreted what i meant.

            I coild have been more clear in my argument, but it’s disingenuous and kinda shitty of you to call it complete gibberish when you clearly understood what i was saying.

            Stop trying to aggressively argue with me when we could just discuss this like normal people.

            • conciselyverbose
              29 months ago

              I then gave my opinion, or my philosophical argument, rhat i believe that fomo is a form or coercion.

              This is not an opinion. It is not a “philosophical argument”. It’s a lie.

              And it’s absolutely incoherent gibberish. None of the words you are using mean anything close to what you’re claiming they do. You make posts, using your arbitrary, completely incorrect definition of words no one but you knows, then need many, many posts of consistently changing your wrong definitions for anyone to even be able to follow. There’s no path to a “discussion” when nothing you’re posting tracks in any way.

              • @Mr_Dr_Oink
                -19 months ago

                Yes, it is. You are wrong. If you can’t follow it, that’s your problem. Not mine.