Why you should know: StackOverflow is facing a mod strike in a similar way as Reddit’s mod strike. They are doing this in response to StackOverflow’s failure to address it’s promises and provide moderation tools
Why you should know: StackOverflow is facing a mod strike in a similar way as Reddit’s mod strike. They are doing this in response to StackOverflow’s failure to address it’s promises and provide moderation tools
I don’t think so: Stack Overflow requires much more moderation for the comments and answers to actually stay on topic and be somewhat professional. Especially the “don’t just link somewhere, explain the thing” rule might require a lot of moderation.
People on stack overflow explain things?
Seriously. Someone could be asking a relatively basic question, and you can guarantee the first comment on almost every programming-related post is going to be something along the lines of “I don’t understand what your asking, can you provide additional context? What were you doing when the issue occured? Were any planets in alignment? Can you detail approximately what time the issue occured using a 3rd Age Mesopotamian Lunisolar Calendar?”
Moderation will probably be done by AI in the future. It’s probably just a bit too expensive still.
Why is this being downvoted? This dystopian nightmare future is very likely going to happen.
It’s already happening at Meta and TikTok I think