• @acceptable_pumpkin
    789 months ago

    Unfortunately the alternative is a literal wannabe-dictator. By not voting, you’re basically helping Trump.

      -669 months ago

      >By not voting, you’re basically helping Trump.

      only a vote for trump helps trump

      • @[email protected]
        199 months ago

        As a non American, seeing people claim that not voting doesn’t help republicans is fucking hilarious. You’d think that after Trump winning in 2016 and stacking the supreme court, directly being the cause of abortion being outlawed in red states in the fucking 21st century (along with a host of other horrifying things), would make people actually fucking vote. But no here we are. Honestly I really hope you all get the government you want, but the longer I read politics posts on Lemmy the more I’m aghast at people who’d rather let it all burn down than aim for incremental positive change.

        Apologies for any bad English, just putting my thoughts out there.

      • @[email protected]
        79 months ago

        I wonder why republicans spend so much time trying to get people not to vote. Purging rolls, being against mail in voting, closing polling stations, etc. Seems dumb given that people not voting doesn’t help them.

        Oh well. You probably know more about elections than them. Glad we have an expert in the house.

          • @[email protected]
            29 months ago

            I think my meaning was quite clear. You are a fool if you think suppressing the vote doesn’t help republicans. They’ve bet everything knowing that people not voting is good for them.

            So congrats, you are helping elect our new fascist overlords by not voting for the unpalatable, but not fascist, dude that is on offer. It sucks, but grow the fuck up. Trump winning is going to be a disaster for literally everyone, including Palestinians.

            • HACKthePRISONS
              -89 months ago

              I’m going to probably be voting for cornel west, but I could still be won back by Jill Stein.

              neither of those votes help Trump

              • @[email protected]
                69 months ago


                Great way to throw away a vote against fascism voting for candidates with literally zero chance of winning.

                Look up why the Nazis came to power sometime. Part of it was that people refused to rally around a single countervailing force. Biden is the countervailing force that has a chance of winning. Trump is literally opening quoting Nazis at this point and people aren’t fucking alarmed. smh

      • @[email protected]
        -119 months ago

        Unfortunately, center right wing democrats have been screaming this at the top of their lungs for so long, young people no longer care.

        They will not vote blue no matter who, and you yelling whatever malarkey you’re on about is kind of pathetic.

        Biden needs to fundamentally change a few things if he wants to get the support of young people. Supporting genocide is not going to win him the election. Not only does Biden support the genocide, he used his authority to give them more weapons and money without having to ask Congress. This isn’t going to fly with young people. And Biden needs young voters to win this election.

        I get it that you’ve been voting blue no matter who your whole life and you think younger voters need to do the same thing.

        But your way of thinking is a relic.

      • the post of tom joad
        9 months ago

        Man these libs suuuuure hate when you question their doctrine huh?

        Here’s a question for the one or two thinkers in this thread. I don’t want replies, because replies will carry with them egos and snark for the peanut gallery. These questions are for you, (and no-comprendo’s). Questions i had rolling around in my liberal brain before i transitioned to full troll or whatever liberals call leftists these days, questions that take time and reflection to answer.

        • If the Democrats only campaign to stop Republicans, but DON’T STOP the Republicans (only campaign to stop them), then when do we dem voters get to vote to help ourselves? Is there a timeline?

        • It has been 12 years of presidents, 12 long years of waiting, tightening our belts, “fighting for democracy”. Why does it seem like the voters are the only ones interested in preserving it?

        • The DGA and the HRC campaign both have paper trails showing they’ve attempted to elevate extremism in the Republican party. Considering this is still a tactic in use, here’s the million dollar question:

        • If the Democratic party could, would they keep running against a candidate like Trump every single election in the future?

        Edit: thank you, those of you who are thinking. We need more people out there like you doing that

        • SatansMaggotyCumFart
          49 months ago

          It has been 12 years of presidents, 12 long years of waiting, tightening our belts, “fighting for democracy”. Why does it seem like the voters are the only ones interested in preserving it?

          So you were happy with first term Obama but not second term Obama?

          Am I reading this right?

          • the post of tom joad
            9 months ago

            Lol you’re right. I was on a roll and added a whole term, oops! Let’s pretend i meant to include bidens second term, which makes me right and not wrong

              • the post of tom joad
                -19 months ago

                Indeed, I even voted for Obama second term. Was i as happy with him as the first time? Nah, but i was still a registered dem back then

                  • the post of tom joad
                    9 months ago

                    I got into politics more deeply than ever, going door to door for bernie back in '16. The verdict by the judge in 17 saying the DNC is a private entity caused me to no longer believe in the Dem’s primary process. The way HRC’s campaign wanted to control both her and trump coverage in the media, the podesta emails, and that whole related scandal really put a beat down on my whole belief system.

                    So i kept reading and thinking and adjusting my political worldview and here i am, arguing it on a small forum on the web (or cynically working tirelessly to helpTrump win, depending on your pov)

                • HACKthePRISONS
                  09 months ago

                  when he carried on bush’s war crimes, i was done with him. i thought executive orders would be undone, not expanded.

                • HACKthePRISONS
                  -29 months ago

                  i couldn’t even make it to obama’s second term.

                  close gitmo
                  universal healthcare
                  student debt forgiveness

                  all lies.

                  • the post of tom joad
                    -39 months ago

                    Oh yeah, but you can’t overestimate how much prop we get shoved down our throats. Kinda like McDs you don’t realize how shit it is for your system until you stop eating it daily

    • queermunist she/her
      9 months ago

      I voted for Biden to stop fascism and now he’s a genocide collaborator! Would Trump be worse? Maybe - it’s unclear, because at least Democrats would oppose Trump. Trump saw the largest protest movement in American history, Trump inspires Democrats to actually ask for more, Trump will further isolate America (and Israel) geopolitically, it’s hard to predict.

      I’m not voting for him, I’m actually voting Democrat down ticket, but if he wins it’s not the end of the world. It’s an opportunity.

      In the meantime? Withholding my vote is literally the only way I can exert pressure on Biden. I have a moral obligation to oppose genocide. I won’t vote for it. If he’s smart he’ll reverse course on Israel to save his campaign and this will all be moot. Why is Biden helping Trump win?

      • @[email protected]
        369 months ago

        You don’t need to exert pressure on Biden. You need to help push the entire system back to the left. When Democrats in general are in government, it allows more room for further left candidates. Just like how electing Republicans made room for the Tea Party and the MAGA crazies. If the window had been more toward the left, they’d have been outside the Republican party.

        • queermunist she/her
          -309 months ago

          I’m voting Democrat down ticket. I’m just not voting for genocide Joe.

          That’s the only way I can exert any pressure on him, and I don’t have to wait a year for that pressure to manifest. If enough Democrats had the courage to stand up to Biden he’d be forced to change his policies. Instead, you are all choosing to be complicit in genocide.

          • @[email protected]
            89 months ago

            Not voting is a valid choice, one that says you’re okay with either candidate winning. And that is being complicit with genocide. If you’re not okay with that, vote.

            If you don’t want to wait a year, you can call, write, protest, and donate to groups to do those things on your behalf. But to throw away your vote is incredibly short-sighted.

            • queermunist she/her
              -159 months ago

              I’m voting for Democrats down ticket, hardly throwing it away. I’m just not voting for any pro-genocide candidates.

              And if Biden is smart, he’ll see how much support he’s losing and change his policy towards Israel.

              • @[email protected]
                -19 months ago

                Biden is an empty suit. If the party tells him to change, he’ll change.

                Alternatively, Trump wins and everything gets even shittier, and we lose even the possibility for things to get better.

                • @go_go_gadget
                  29 months ago

                  I like how you found yourself being down voted the moment you acknowledged what a piss poor excuse for “Democracy” this is.

                  • @[email protected]
                    49 months ago

                    Yup. But in the choice of who to vote for president, there’s the establishment candidate, or the “dictator for a day” candidate. Or there’s not voting, which is saying “yes, either of those are okay”. One of those things has the chance of making progress, and it should be obvious.

                • queermunist she/her
                  9 months ago

                  And the Party would tell him to change if the Party knew they’d lose the presidency.

                  Do you think the Party would rather Trump win than stop supporting Israel? I doubt that.

                  • @[email protected]
                    39 months ago

                    They know they’re not going to lose on this issue, though, because anyone who seriously evaluates the election has come to the same conclusion that I already said: a Trump victory is the worst outcome. Again, you’ll have to put pressure on the party through other means, just one of which is electing more leftist downballot candidates.

                  • @SUPERcrazy3530
                    29 months ago

                    I don’t understand why people think the democrats losing to someone farther right would make them move left. Doesn’t it make more sense they’d move to the right since that’s what more voters wanted?

      • 𝕱𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍
        209 months ago

        The solution to our choices being a centrist and a literal fascist isn’t to push the Overton window even further right. Such thinking is beyond naive.

        • queermunist she/her
          9 months ago

          What centrist? All I see are two fascists, because genocide sure as fuck isn’t centrist.

          • Drusas
            19 months ago

            You don’t have to be fascist to be genocidal. The two just tend to overlap.

      • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
        9 months ago

        Bro you understand Biden isn’t president of Israel right? This tired ass take that he somehow sets policy there shows how immature and uninformed you are.

        • Drusas
          9 months ago

          I really do wonder how old the person you’re commenting to is. It’s very easy to be idealistic when you’re young and lack experience. Eventually you learn that you’re basically the same as the Freedom Caucus of the left if you’re acting that way, refusing to compromise and make any positive changes whatsoever.

          • queermunist she/her
            9 months ago

            Old enough to have already gone through this exact song and dance routine before with Obama. “We just need to wait until the primaries to nominate a progressive, then we can finally move this Party to the left!” I saw how that turned out. The Party won’t allow it.

            Yet even still, I voted for Biden to stop fascism.

            And now he’s funding a genocide.

            Idealism is voting blue no matter who and expecting them to stop taking advantage of you. Why should they? You are a loyal dog and will keep coming home no matter how hard they beat you.

            I just want this one thing. My red line. I’ll let Biden break strikes and deport refugees and round people into prisons and expand oil drilling, I’ll let him do every fucking thing he promised he wouldn’t, and all he has to do is oppose genocide. It’s entirely within his power to do this.

            This is the only leverage I have. I have a moral obligation to use it and so do you. By voting for genocide you are responsible for it.

        • queermunist she/her
          9 months ago

          Israel is the 51st state. This idea that Israel is a strong independent state that doesn’t need the empire is a joke, they’re wholly dependent on the US. When Reagan told Israel to back off of attacking the PLO in Lebanon, they did. Israel’s power comes from its untouchable status.

              • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
                9 months ago

                Why are you putting in quotes? It’s uncontroversially defined as a “flawed democracy” by political science, same as the United States.

                • HACKthePRISONS
                  09 months ago

                  it’s not a democracy at all. it systematically disenfranchises the Palestinian people in its borders.

                  • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
                    19 months ago

                    Okay, what? That’s doesn’t make it not a democracy. America is and was a Democracy and only white men land owners could vote for like a century. You don’t like its domestic policy so the entire field of political science is wrong, and it’s not a democracy? Wow you have such big brain.

                • @go_go_gadget
                  9 months ago

                  Then say flawed democracy instead of trying to hold it up like some beacon of hope. It’s not. It’s a trash country run by trash people just like the United States.

                  • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
                    09 months ago

                    Okay well in the entirety of the middle east it is the only country that governs by even a pretense of consent of the people. Every other state in the region is some form of authoritarian theocracy, not even close to democracy. Only the former has any hope of granting long term human rights.