I’ve heard a lot of people want to change app names. Which I’m totally fine with! I’ve heard a lot of love for the name “Voyager”

So, thoughts? Do you prefer renaming? Do you like the name “Voyager”? Any other good ideas?

Comment below!

  • Dick Justice
    1 year ago

    I like WefWef. like someone else mentioned, it makes me think of a little puppy learning to growl or bark, lol. Mostly though, its6 unique, easy to type, and gloriously well suited to finding via search engines. If you google “wefwef”, the top result is your app’s Github project, and the next few results are about the app as well. If you change to something like “Voyager”, theres an awful lot of competition for those search results. It’ll get buried under results about the space project and Star Trek. On a personal level aside from that, I’d vote for staying wefwef myself.