Please feel free to discuss anything, whether it’s bipolar related or not. This is a space for us to grow as a community and support one another.

  • @ShunkW
    59 months ago

    I’m waiting to hear results from a biopsy I had Friday. If it’s cancer, it’s one you don’t generally come back from. Been trying to prepare myself for it, but been drinking a ton instead. I haven’t decided if I’ll even get treatment if it is cancer to be honest. It’s weird that my best friend is more upset than I am. I’m kinda ready to just let go if I’m terminal.

    • ZerlynaM
      39 months ago

      When are you supposed to hear back?

      • @ShunkW
        19 months ago

        Well. It wasn’t good news. Stage 1 pancreatic cancer. I’ve decided to do treatment mainly for others than for me. I feel like this is a dream I’m gonna wake up from, but yeah…

        • ZerlynaM
          19 months ago

          Ugh. I’m so sorry. That’s the first one I though of too. 😢

    • @ickplantOPM
      19 months ago

      Wow, I’m sorry. I would also like to know when you’re supposed to hear back, if you feel like sharing. I feel like there’s no wrong way to react to news like this, so whatever you are feeling and thinking makes sense.

      • @ShunkW
        29 months ago

        Well. It wasn’t good news. Stage 1 pancreatic cancer. I’ve decided to do treatment mainly for others than for me. I feel like this is a dream I’m gonna wake up from, but yeah…

        • @ickplantOPM
          19 months ago

          I am so very sorry. I hope the treatment helps since you are choosing to do it even though it’s for others. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through right now, and I very sincerely want to give you a big hug.