It’s worth noting that due to brilliant design decisions, the only way to put different tires on it is to replace the whole wheel. edit: apparently this part was not correct, my apologies for the misinformation

  • @StorminNorman
    09 months ago

    I think the rabid anti ev and anti musk hatred is what’s driving it more than any misunderstanding. Like I said, many reasons to hate this vehicle, but a lot of the “conversations” I see about this vehicle (and EVs in general) are complete and utter tripe.

      • @StorminNorman
        19 months ago

        I don’t see how your edit is relevant given that pretty much every car on the road has third party rims and tyres and this isn’t an issue for them.

        • @[email protected]OP
          9 months ago

          Because most of the time you don’t see packages of them, they’re usually separate. The majority of people aren’t bothering to get new rims unless they need them, like when the old ones are damaged from rolling on a flat or something. But when companies are selling “special” aftermarket cybertruck specific replacement rim and tire packages, it makes it sound like the rims are a necessary component, when you could just apparently just use the existing rims with the new tires.

          • @StorminNorman
            19 months ago

            Pretty sure you’re not a “car person” cos those packages abound for many other vehicles on the road. Which is further reinforced by me plugging in “wheel and tyre package” into ye Olde google and getting a shitload of results for, surprise surprise, wheel and tyre packages for a variety of cars. From your daily run abouts, to 4x4s, to suvs, to sports cars. Here’s one site that offers over 20,000 wheel and tyre packages.. So, yeah, your assumptions are woefully wrong.

            • @[email protected]OP
              9 months ago

              Well, that’s kind of what I mean, most people who are confused and commenting about this for cybertruck aren’t necessarily car enthusiasts, and wouldn’t normally be looking where you would see that. The average person isn’t shopping online for tires anyway, they’re going to the local shop to pick some and have them put on. At least here if you go to the average shop to pick replacement tires, they’re separate from the rims. With cybertruck the same observers would have to go online, see all these packages and may assume it’s necessary. It’s just a possibility. It just seems like too specific a criticism and misconception for it to purely be just people hating on it. The notion had to come from somewhere.

              • @StorminNorman
                -19 months ago

                Yeah, so maybe “most people” should shut the fuck up and not spew nonsense about a topic they know literally nothing about? And what kind of arse backwards country do you live in? Every tyre store I’ve been in in Australia has had a number of tyre and wheel packages on offer. I literally had a chat with my tyre guy the last time I got tyres as they had a package on sale for 70% off (off topic, but it was the last one they had and it had sat for over 6mths). This isn’t a specialist tyre place that only specialises in these packages either. Hell, here’s the wheel and tyre packages page for Australia’s biggest tyre retailer. These packages are literally on the showroom floor when you walk in. You’d have to be so dumb that you should be committed if you walked in these stores and missed them.

                • @[email protected]OP
                  9 months ago

                  I cannot argue with your first point, but it is what it is.

                  Regarding the rest, you’re surprised different countries or locales may have differences? Ok.

                  Where I live specifically, on this small island, space is at a premium. Most places don’t have enough room for such displays. You go into a small reception area and there are a couple of example tires out front. There may be a couple example rims of different sizes, or they may all be in back. You give the person your current wheel size and they bring out a couple of tire options in your price range. No one offers to sell you rims, because the average person here spends enough money on rent and basics as it is that no one’s going to be sold rims unless they ask for them.

                  You’d have to be psychic to walk into one of these places and know what all is available or whether packages are sold.

                  So fuck off with your attitude.

                  • @StorminNorman
                    9 months ago

                    Hang the fuck on. You somehow think that your experience living on a “small island” speaks for “the average person”? Get to fuck. I guarantee your islands population isn’t even large enough to be a rounding error on the global scale. My attitude is fine considering I didn’t realise I was talking to an actual moron.

                    But this whole thread illustrates a problem the internet has as a whole, fuckwits like you don’t even bother to research anything. You read something in discussions and chose to take it as gospel without bothering to check if it had a shred of truth to it? And then doubled down on it as if your tiny worldview somehow was what everyone experiences? There is no difference between you doing that and those who treat Fox News as the holy truth. I may have “attitude” now, but it’s cos I have to occasionally deal with people like you, and I don’t suffer fools gladly.