Hi, I’m Mich.

I’m having a weird time lately so my introduction is going to be a little fragmented.

I write software for a living. I used to enjoy it more than I do now: I burned out this year. I know it’s something I’m good at though, so I’m looking for communities or projects where I can help out with the skills I have.

I’m passionate about music, and make my own sometimes.

I’m neurodiverse, and still learning what that means for me.

I’m confused about a lot of things and I’m learning that’s okay.

  • ekisM
    29 months ago

    Itd be fine even if it was criticism I would try to frame it in the way that would get at the underlying concept I felt was important; because I care enough to actually try to convince you and not to walk away or be satisfied with a childish quip.

    dont worry you wont offend me, I’m not a great writer either, I have to edit a lot-- so waiting can sometimes be wise