Hi, I’m Mich.

I’m having a weird time lately so my introduction is going to be a little fragmented.

I write software for a living. I used to enjoy it more than I do now: I burned out this year. I know it’s something I’m good at though, so I’m looking for communities or projects where I can help out with the skills I have.

I’m passionate about music, and make my own sometimes.

I’m neurodiverse, and still learning what that means for me.

I’m confused about a lot of things and I’m learning that’s okay.

  • ekisM
    49 months ago

    Also thank you Mich for making your own post, its brave and cool. And it lets people ask you questions and really introduce yourself to us. I really appreciate you taking the time to do it, and I will bug you with more questions later.

  • ekisM
    29 months ago

    Hello, I hope you share your music with us if you feel comfortable doing that.

    What sort of things are you interested in learning more? Are you still in school?

    Pleasure to meet you, and very happy you stumbled your way into this weird part of the internet and joined us. I have a feeling, deep down, that this will somehow turn into something.

    • gidOP
      19 months ago

      One of the main things I’m interested to learn more about is how to advocate for, and support, myself and others who are neurodiverse. Both in professional and personal environments.

      There are a few other things I’d like to learn too, in no particular order: BSL (British Sign Language), music theory, and woodworking. Oh and I want to learn modern dance, too.

      • ekisM
        19 months ago

        I’m definitely neurodiverse but I spent the last 10 years just working on open source projects so I don’t have much experience in professional environments.

        I do know music theory though, and I can recommend some documentaries that could get you started on your quest towards that goal if you are interested.

        • gidOP
          19 months ago

          Ooh thank you, yes. I’d appreciate anything I can get my hands on.

          • ekisM
            29 months ago

            I made a kinda medium sized post on here today with an intro into music theory trying to keep it simple as possible.

            If you have any questions for the basics I can likely help out. I got really into it, because I really enjoyed the math components and the idea of programming music been wanting since childhood and its cool to see all the programmatic music options. Because thats going to be basically applied music theory and you can build most of it into a library to be honest once you have the basics

            Like this library https://github.com/go-music-theory/music-theory

            If you can read code that will give you basically teach you everything most music theory classes will teach you.

            But I like trying to understand the underlying physics, like how it repeats and harmonics and resonance are really good things to know about in general.

            • gidOP
              19 months ago

              Thank you so much. I’ve bookmarked your post and will read it when I have the attention span for it (that’s not a criticism of your post, I’m struggling with concentrating on anything at the moment).

              • ekisM
                29 months ago

                Itd be fine even if it was criticism I would try to frame it in the way that would get at the underlying concept I felt was important; because I care enough to actually try to convince you and not to walk away or be satisfied with a childish quip.

                dont worry you wont offend me, I’m not a great writer either, I have to edit a lot-- so waiting can sometimes be wise

    • gidOP
      19 months ago
