• @Fedizen
    49 months ago

    I always thought conservatives were more likely to be rich and poor people die off more quickly resulting in aging populations being more conservative.

    The problem here is that I would guess poor boomers are probably less likely to be conservative so it feels really dumb to cheer on boomers dying from being unable to pay rent.

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      It’s probably less that they are conservative or not, and more that they were the generation of having multiple houses, properties, and boats. Credit and debt was the name of the game. Buy all the things recklessly. It was a learned societal behavior on the rear end of WWII. Capitalism will only always go up, so why worry?

      Then they enter retirement, and don’t want to admit to themselves that the world is more shitty than it was when they were younger, nor that they were directly/indirectly responsible (probably also amplifies that warped “MAGA” perspective.) One was promised 40 years work at one job without a college education (and associated debt), a pension, social security, and retirement with all the things they acquired along their fruitful life. The now world must look like a dystopian nightmare by comparison.

      Once this fiscal viewpoint they grew up with is applied in retirement, even the most conservative could easily become ensnared in a lack of funds if they didn’t tone down their previous fiscal behavior and learn new methods that fit with the era. It would also be really hard to undo fiscal mistakes when on a fixed income and no easy job prospects to hit the undo button with.

      I know some retired boomer indirectly that takes out home equity lines of credit every time their property values increase, and then they moan to their HOA to ensure it is spending every dime to make it look like a golf course in the desert so their property values continue to increase. (So they can get that next home payout.)

      Poking fun is fun, albeit crass, but also it just kinda makes you feel sad for an entire generation that believed these lies so hard that they screwed up their own lives and generations after them. I can understand the fun-poking though, with all the loud uneducated boomers screaming online about how younger generations just don’t “get it” when they’re actually the ones that don’t.