I was looking at getting some roguelikes / lites (already have ToME, CoQ), unfortunately Cataclysm DDA is not on sale.
Krone Hotel at 90% off looks like a decent choice too. Then there’s Jupiter Hell, which I recently stumbled upon and looks great too.
I’d also like to get some of the FF games, though I’ve played VI, VII, IX and a bit of XII, it would be nice to revisit some of the older ones I haven’t played almost since the PSX era.
Dark Souls 1-3
been waiting for these to go on sale for what feels like forever!
After 1,5 years, they finally stopped trying to milk the Elden Ring hype. Bought DS3 too.
Last time I played a bit via family sharing though, my saves went and got wiped after a few hours… the game says it has cloud saves but the others don’t actually work (this one neither, probably), so I’m mildly afraid. It does work great on Deck though.
Wasn’t the reason they stopped going on sale was because the servers went down?
Oh. I didn’t know that.
But, who actually would be bothered by that? Going on sale while game doesn’t fully function, that is. Like, you’re still selling the game, sale or not.
You won’t regret it. Ds3 is one of my favorite games of all time. The music and atmosphere are too notch. Praise the sun!