Personally I’m pretty frustrated with the way it works. I’ve noticed all of the following , and at least some of these apply to dev tools too. I don’t like the way Google controls the internet with Chrome, but at least its dev tools just work.

  • Sometimes when I try to use the element picker tool it actually clicks the element instead of selecting it in the toolbox
  • I can’t change selectors in CSS files in the sidebar, I have to go the style editor (Chrome lets me do this)
  • I can’t easily copy HTML attributes, if I double click on an attribute, the text is selected but when I press CMD C, it copies the entire tag with all of its attributes.
  • A lot of the time CSS properties I write just don’t apply and isn’t crossed out. Its like it just has a hard time doing that.
  • @MrOtherGuyM
    21 year ago

    If you experience such issues you should report them to bugzilla so devs can look into them. I know I’ve had that attribute selection issue occur a few times though, but only in one profile that think is pretty busted anyway so I didn’t think much about it.

    The fourth point you mention could happen for all kinds of reasons, not all of which are bugs. so it’s pretty impossible to say if something is wrong without specific example cases.

    I do know though that every time I need to open Chromium devtools I’m like wtf am I supposed to do with these. I rarely need to use them so sure I would just need to familiarize myself with them, but still - it’s annoying.