More than 5% of global emissions are linked to conflict or militaries but countries continue to hide the true scale

  • @Grogon
    5 months ago

    Wars are unnecessary and I don’t know why we have wars in this day and age. It’s insane.

    Military on the other hand is probably necessary. They give countries safety and prevent one country from taking over another. Imagine we’d take away all militaries besides one random. They’d invade all countries because thats how humans are. Without military we would already have nuclear wars.

    We should live with militaries just providing security to each country by default and quit wars.

    “Military operations other than war (MOOTW) are military operations that do not involve warfare, combat, or the threat or use of violence. They generally include peacekeeping, peacebuilding, disaster response, humanitarian aid, military engineering, law enforcement, arms control, deterrence, and multilateralism.”

    • The Snark Urge
      55 months ago

      If every leader on earth was a rational actor with the sincere hope of leading as well as possible, there would be no need to point out how useless war is.

      • @Grogon
        5 months ago

        Thats just not going to happen sadly.

        We could basically say: if no one would listen to these insane leaders we wouldn’t have war either.

        Why on earth do Russian and Ukraine people kill each other? Most of them are friends. Why do a lot of Israeli kill Palest and vice versa? Most of them are friends besides those few insane humans who hate each other.

        Only 1% of the people that are going through war want the war. The other 99% don’t want it.

        My grandma told me stories of soldiers in WWII (france, germany, uk, usa) drinking nights with each other and having a good time.

        many other examples of american soldiers drinking with people from China, North Vietnam, Laos, etc. And all agreed: war sucks.

        It’s interesting because in the end only one person wants the war and millions of other people are involved.