In case any of you could use some extra motivation today. This study shows that alcohol increases your risk of many diseases, including ones we haven’t associated with alcohol such as gout and fractures.

  • ZerlynaM
    12 years ago

    My resting heart rate went down by at least 10 points with a few weeks of stopping. Amazing!

    • @ColoradoBoyOP
      12 years ago

      That is amazing. I noticed pretty quickly on quitting that weight loss was easier, my blood pressure stayed normal, I slept better and I rarely got sick.

      • ZerlynaM
        12 years ago

        I did lose weight my first month but I’ve gained it back and a few more. 😭 I think my soda habit is worse than ever. They just put a new refrigerator with a water dispenser on my floor at work and I’m planning to drink more water once it’s hooked up. Right now the water machine is downstairs and a 1/4 mile round trip into the middle of the building. Too much work.

        • @ColoradoBoyOP
          12 years ago

          I went through a little of a sugar and dessert phase here and there. Treat myself for not drinking. It’s been five years now so not only do I have no desires or cravings to drink, the thought actually repulses me. So it’s a little easier to focus on other health habits. I go through two bottles of SodaStream a day, though. 😀