If you click on the “more” button under a comment or link there will be an activity tab. In this tab you can see everyone who has boosted, favourited or reduced the post. I’m not sure if this a
Is a good feature but it’s interesting to see when someone decides to reduce all of your content for no reason.

  • Th4tGuyII
    82 years ago

    I feel like there’s up and downsides to the data being public.

    Anonymity breeds aggression online, so making it such that anyone can see who voted and how they voted would serve to make people think more about how they vote, and maybe shame some against bring trolls.

    On the other hand, it makes it much easier to track users, which while not malicious on surface, could be used by 3rd parties or other users to track/stalk particular users - which could be used for harassment.

    I think the latter has the potential to be a much bigger downside, so I think it would be best to anonymous voters, or at least the direction in which they voted.