• @Maggoty
    459 months ago

    Distance. An hour commute or a 20 minute trip to the grocery store. We killed walkable neighborhoods so now here we are. Trapped.

      • @ghostdoggtv
        109 months ago

        Too much democracy! Tyranny of the majority!

      • @[email protected]
        -479 months ago

        15 minute cities are about as organic as “two weeks to flatten the curve”. There’s a reason they don’t exist, it’s not a practical idea. Just like every other idea children come up with.

        • @Maggoty
          319 months ago

          That used to be the model. Go look at old pictures. Those people were not walking hours to get groceries.

          • @[email protected]
            -359 months ago

            Correct, they’d use a horse or a mule. Cars are an improved horse. Walking and biking are hobbies at best.

            • @Maggoty
              139 months ago

              No. Just no. You can easily create a mechanical advantage greater than that of a horse with pedal power. And walking is still the majority way to get around in countries that aren’t “western”.

            • @lunarul
              109 months ago

              Wtf are you on? I grew up in a European city. I never got a driver’s license or even learned to ride a bike. Everything was within walking distance of my home or of a subway station. Lived like that for almost 30 years. Only when I moved to the US in a suburb I had to get a car because nothing was within reach.

        • Justas🇱🇹
          139 months ago

          Yeah, except all of those old European cities and newer Soviet built ones had (and in most cases still have) everything close to 15 minutes away.

        • @[email protected]
          09 months ago

          15 minute cities do exist, just not in the US. Admittedly, the concept doesn’t always work for work related commutes, because some businesses just need lots of infrastructure away from residential areas. But there are plenty of cities where grocery stores, gyms, restaurants, doctors etc. are within biking or walking distance.

    • _NoName_
      99 months ago

      Start yelling at your city legislators then. Force them to change how the city zones so things are closer together. It will take a couple decades of work, but you have to be apart of that change for it to happen.

      • @Maggoty
        9 months ago

        Oh I do but for as much as conservatives whine about California it’s not really a progressive state. More like a solid liberal bastion of performative politics. Where they’ll talk about banning guns from state property like it’s going to solve firearms deaths and just don’t look at how we’re treating homeless people…

        • _NoName_
          9 months ago

          That’s fair - I wish you luck in your town Hall meetings and marchs. Local change is always the fastest.

    • @uis
      9 months ago

      Open your own grocery store. Or allow others to do so.

      • @Maggoty
        79 months ago

        I would if I could. But I can’t beat Walmart prices an hour away on Transit.

        • @Grabthar
          09 months ago

          That’s why you don’t see 15 minute cities anymore. Capitalism already figured out that a few large stores allow you to hire more efficient numbers of employees, buy more for less, stock better variety, pass along some of the savings to customers and still make more profit than building lots and lots of repeated commercial infrastructure throughout residential areas. A return to that model would require more employees in low paying service jobs, and would sacrifice lower prices and better variety. Ironically, it would be far faster to use a car to skip from store to store to look for the best deals and the specific brands you want. I suppose we could also get rid of capitalism at the same time, but I’m not holding my breath. As much as I like the idea of walkable infrastructure, it comes at a cost that I am not sure many would be willing to pay.

          • @[email protected]
            49 months ago

            It’s very weird that it works all over Europe, but for some reason it’s too expansive for America. It’s almost like it’s not an inevitable course of actions really actually.

            • @Grabthar
              39 months ago

              Might have a wee something to do with the cost and availability of large parcels of land in and around cities in Europe versus North America. If Walmart thought this was a cost-effective approach, they’d be doing it, else they would likely be sued by their shareholders. To be clear, I am not making a value judgement on whether this should be the case.

              • @[email protected]
                9 months ago

                Yeah, it is indeed a good approach for Walmart. They get to crush the competition due to their size and the economy of scale, be effectively a monopoly, and convince everyone that it’s not only logical and inevitable, and the result of something normal, but good actually.
                The question is, is it good for people who aren’t Walmart shareholders?

          • @Maggoty
            29 months ago

            If transit gets dense enough then isn’t it walkable in an indirect manner?

            • @Grabthar
              09 months ago

              I suppose, but then it isn’t really any different than what we have now in the best of our cities worldwide. Unfortunately, it seems very few cities actually have the resources and the political capital to make that work.

              • @Maggoty
                39 months ago

                Yeah. But until we deal with the affordability problem walkable cities aren’t going to be a thing because it will be too expensive.

                • @[email protected]
                  9 months ago

                  It’s the other way around. Cities in US are expensive now because there is not a lot of those compared to the amount of people who would like to live in them. If you allow builders to build more walkable cities they will become more affordable. And the scale is only part of it, the fact that city brings revenue to the government and suburbia isn’t is a big part too.

                  • @Maggoty
                    9 months ago

                    I agree that we need to keep going on walkable cities. I just don’t think we’re going to see the investment in small business we need until we properly regulate corporations.

    • tiredofsametab
      28 months ago

      You can do what I did and move to another country. It just takes a lot of time, work, and money to get there (though money can accelerate the former two, in some cases).

      • @Maggoty
        18 months ago

        I’d love to. And the brain drain is already beginning. College is cheaper and just as good over seas. That’s always the first stage because you never get all the kids back.