• @De_Narm
    1 year ago

    Well, that’s why I said “consider going vegan”. If 1 day is your best, then so be it. I can’t force anyone to do anything, but ideally everyone would do his best. But still, you gotta mention the best outcome or people who could still do better become complacent - the same way some vegan have become complacent because “being vegan is enough” despite being otherwise terrible for the environment.

    • @Rachelhazideas
      21 year ago

      Suggesting people to go vegan for 1 day isn’t meaningful change.

      Why tell someone to be perfect for 1 day instead of being imperfect, but better for the rest of their lives?

      People can make a much bigger difference if they started small like having one vegetarian meal a week. When you give small goals, people are more inclined to fulfill them and in turn, they are more likely to keep improving themselves.

      I used to eat meat basically every single meal. Then I started small, had vegetarian dinners once a week. That was achievable, so I started doing lunch too. Next thing you know, I’m eating about 30% the meat I used to, and when I do it’s usually chicken or seafood.

      And it doesn’t stop there.

      My point is, if you want to inspire meaningful change in others, give them actionable goals. Don’t ask people to quit cold turkey because that seldom works.

      • @De_Narm
        11 year ago

        1 day as in 1 day a week, I was agreeing with your proposed meatless mondays being great change for some people. I can’t spell out the ideal setup for everyone - if they are interested, but cannot achieve the ideal, it is on them to evaluate how close they can get. If we all only talk about the bare minimum, people won’t got beyond it which sucks too.