Dr. Ryan Cole’s medical license is restricted in the state of Washington after state regulators concluded that Cole knowingly shared disinformation about COVID-19 and broke medical standards by virtually prescribing ivermectin to COVID-19 patients – against medical evidence.

Cole is an Idaho pathologist who has spread COVID-19 disinformation while serving as an appointed Idaho health official.

The decision by the Washington Medical Commission restricts Cole from practicing primary care medicine and from prescribing medications for patients in Washington. Cole’s medical practice, in Washington, is now limited to the practice of pathology.

Cole broke medical practice standards by prescribing ivermectin for COVID-19 to at least four patients via an instant-message based telehealth-platform, the commission ruled. Cole likely knew his COVID-19 claims were a “misrepresentation of the true facts,” the commission ruled.

  • @stoly
    8 months ago

    For someone with the ego he must have, this is actually reasonably harsh. This apology would become part of the public record and could be retrieved reasonably easy. Whenever some organization reviews his medical license to confirm that he is qualified, it will be right there along with all the particulars of his punishment and why it occurred. In essence, it’s on his “permanent record”.