I hate to assume, but you must be a white man, and if you’re not you’re really fucking lucky and should read up a little more about how the police actually conduct themselves and what obligation they have to you (hint: none).
As a french, I’ll let you look up when, and by whom, our Police Nationale was founded.
Somehow, over time they’ve still managed to conduct themselves in such ways that their respectability has been downhill from there (well, I guess the government constantly lowering the standards for recruitment and giving in to their demands didn’t help either)
I hate to assume, but you must be a white man, and if you’re not you’re really fucking lucky and should read up a little more about how the police actually conduct themselves and what obligation they have to you (hint: none).
Depends on the country.
As a french, I’ll let you look up when, and by whom, our Police Nationale was founded.
Somehow, over time they’ve still managed to conduct themselves in such ways that their respectability has been downhill from there (well, I guess the government constantly lowering the standards for recruitment and giving in to their demands didn’t help either)
Or … they aren’t part of racist America.
Not everywhere is the white man supreme. Far from it actually.
Yeah, i’m not from USA or even America.