I just watched some video about Yakutsk Siberia which is meant to be the coldest city in the world. Thought “Those poor bastards, wonder what they need to wear indoors when it is -40 outside.”

Turns out a pissing tank top and PJ bottoms. We really need to start demanding better things in this country don’t we?

I’m also reading a book about coal mining. All the unpaid labour, minimising wages and dodgy things the bosses did then still happens now. Now I’m not a tankie so don’t get the wrong idea here. But why are we all okay living like this I don’t get it? Why is the UK population so forgiving at living it shit conditions.

Also I’m going to jump in before anyone says no insulation keeps you cold in the summer. Insulation works both ways, it can keep heat out or it can keep heat in. It’s better in the summer and in the winter.

Siberia video in question:


Also I hope I havent broken any rules. I can’t see any. This seems mostly news posts but I guess text posts are allowed? Sorry if not.

  • @[email protected]
    119 months ago

    Ideally the best insulation is the least dense as density typically relates to thermal conductivity. Where stone/brick really helps is in raw mass, if you’ve ever been in a basement you’ll kinda know what I mean. It’ll flatten the temperature changes and make it more stable but if it’s always hot or always cold it’s not great.

    The US has mostly rock wool or fiberglass insulation and not just wood clad in gypsum. But much of the US can go from -26 in the winter to 35 in the summer. I used to live in a city with a latitude about the same as Madrid that would get to almost -30 and as high as 41. The house was made of brick but past that outer layer it had a wood frame with insulation to maintain heating or cooling.

    • gila
      29 months ago

      In my town we’re more concerned with intraday temp cycle, so we just add another layer of brick. Store heat during day and release at night. I’m 32 and have never used a central heating system once in my life, shit’s awesome

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        I’ve lived in Phoenix, Arizona where it gets above 35 degrees every single day for most of the year (last year they hit 46 degrees for about a week straight) and it would commonly be 30 degrees or warmer in the middle of the night. Some months we’d have a power bill of about ~235 pounds a month just trying to keep the house cool (~25 degrees). (I hope it’s ok that I gave so many approximates but I wanted to give units Brits would feel most comfortable with instead of using Fahrenheit and dollars)

        Do not recommend lol

    • MudMan
      19 months ago

      Bricks used in houses have big air gaps in the middle (which you can also insulate if you want to, both inside and outside.

      That said you can do a lot with mass. I lived in a concrete building in a place with similar extremes and it did keep the heat very well, on account of those walls being half a meter thick. The glass windows were so bad at insulation by comparison that you could sometimes feel a breeze coming from the panels even when they were fully sealed just because the inside air was dozens of degrees warmer than the glass.

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        A lot of that also comes down to how far the tech for windows has improved over the years. I feel like more American homes are much newer and therefore more inclined to have newer windows than many British homes.

        I personally don’t much care for stick built homes and would prefer ICFs for most situations but mostly for water and fire resistance. Stick framed houses have so much thermal bridging so I can totally see why a layer of insulation between two brick walls would be quite good.

    • @SzethFriendOfNimi
      19 months ago

      Thanks. And, by wood and gypsum, I meant the construction material besides the insulation

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        Oh I’m sorry, I just assumed because really old houses were just wood and gypsum with no insulation lol

        • @SzethFriendOfNimi
          9 months ago

          Some of them are. And no paper for a moisture/wind barrier too I think.

          But those, I think, were less about insulation and warmth and more about ease of construction and plain exposure to the elements.

          E.g. not great but good enough. But now we have wood, etc and insulation and I was musing that maybe the reason why stone/brick homes didn’t was because they worked well enough.

          • @[email protected]
            29 months ago

            I wouldn’t doubt if it’s just good enough and it’s expensive to add the insulation to old buildings let alone stone/brick ones. But I’m not going to pretend I understand what life in Britain is like or what homes are generally like when I’ve never been. I was going to say that buildings might be substantially older but honestly I don’t know how old the average home is in Britain, most people could live in something made in the 70’s or newer like here in the US.