OPINION: Nearly half of the province’s publicly funded universities are heading for the red. The Tories’ response has been wholly inadequate — and unsurprising

  • @SprawlieOPM
    11 year ago

    This comes as zero surprise to me.

    One of the OPC’s longest ideologies has been privatization and the dumbing down of Ontario for “open for business”. Ford is no better than Harris was on this front and continues to destroy the public work Canada had done to build up our Universities.

    Ford and the OPC have already evidenced they don’t want the big universities to work and succeed. They want the local “diploma mills”, Private education insitutitons to control the province.

    We have to remember one of the first scandals Ford had when taking office was immediately trying to giving accreditation status to a Christian propaganda school who just so happened to have Ford donators running it: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/canada-christian-college-denied-university-status-1.6036979