I’m a software developer who fell in love with teaching. Unfortunately many companies providing an education in writing code are scams, and I’m sad to say I’m working for one right now. I’ve been playing with the idea of having free “learn to code” streams, to give people the education without ripping them off.

I also am interested in getting into music production ( I have a year of piano lessons under my belt! humble beginnings lol), and I have an eccentric art style if there is a desire for visuals that don’t feel derivative and samey like most modern art efforts. Attached is my most recent art piece.

I’m not just interested in teaching, really I want to just find other people who also enjoy creating and sharing information. I don’t care about being rich or going viral. I just want a social ecosystem where “Wouldn’t it be cool if…” is likely to be followed up by “Yeah, we should try it”, or “No I already attempted that, but here is what I learned.”

Anyways I’m here to help how I can!

  • @thefloweracidicOP
    18 months ago

    Very interesting, I know nothing about p2p networks but from what I can infer your idea sounds very interesting and is a large departure from the “It “works” ship it now” model currently plaguing the tech sphere. I find intentional and carefully thought out designs often solve many of the bugs and oversight you run into in applications, and often result in something much more simple.