Whom also likes to game every now and then ;)

Edit: Thank you all for your input and suggestions! Linux Mint shall be my next OS! Though, I think I’ll give Pop!OS a look-see as well.

  • @pirat
    16 months ago

    -Linux Mint: […] not the best […] if you have multiple monitors with different resolutions and refresh rates.

    I’m thinking of installing Mint (Debian Edition) on a 2013 MacBook Pro with an even older external monitor connected through DisplayPort, while using the internal Retina as the secondary monitor.

    Do you think it’d be a safer bet to go with a different distro with better multi-monitor compatibilities, or do you think I’ll be good using this hardware+software combo?

    Any related advice will be appreciated!

    • Presi300
      6 months ago

      Don’t get me wrong, it will work, you might just have issues like screen tearing and choppy animations…

      I’d personally go with fedora on a laptop, especially for a Mac user as it’s default desktop experience is kinda similar to MacOS, and you get 1:1 touchpad gestures.